Financial Results Financial Results

Corporate Governance

The Company has adopted the QCA Corporate Governance Code and will report on that basis going forwards.

For a detailed description of the Company’s corporate governance arrangements, please refer to the FY23 corporate governance report of the Company which can be found here (see pages 53 – 71). The Board is satisfied that the Company complies with the provisions of the QCA Code; details of such compliance with the QCA Code are provided here, signposting to sections of the FY23 Annual Report, as required.

The Board has established the following Committees:

  • Audit Committee, chaired by Neil Cooper
  • Nomination Committee, chaired by Alan Peterson, OBE
  • Remuneration Committee, chaired by Neil Cooper

The Company has adopted a Share Dealing Code which applies to Directors, PDMRs and other relevant group employees.

Related Documents

Any queries regarding corporate governance at HSS Hire can be sent to